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Masalah Melayu Yang Tidak Istimewa

Terlalu banyak perbincangan tentang hak Melayu akhir-akhir ini. Di sebelah pihak, orang bukan Melayu meminta kesamarataan. Di satu pihak lagi, orang Melayu mempertahankan sebab-sebab mengapa keistimewaan Melayu harus dipelihara dengan Dasar Ekonomi Baru (yang sudah tidak baru lagi). Memang benar orang Melayu itu perlu diberi sedikit keistimewaannya supaya dia tidak terlalu kecil hati kehilangan sebahagian […]

The Star: Clean-up for Puspakom

Let’s see how clean can feces become. Pan Malaysian Bus Operators Association president Datuk Ashfar Ali said the move would definitely curb corruption and would have far-reaching effects. “The operators will know that they don’t have to be at the mercy of Puspakom for small things like the paintwork not being perfect,” he said. Read […]

I’d Rather Pay More Than Go Against the Word of Allah

In Malaysia, the Islamic banking system was started in the 70s. Since conventional banks are not allowed to engage in buying and selling of property, the Islamic banking act was enacted to allow Islamic banks, or Islamic windows to perform property transactions which led to the use of the musyarakah and mudharabah instruments. However, in […]

Of Eggs and Petroleum Prices

Quite a while back, the per-litre controlled price of petroleum in Malaysia was raised because the government wanted to reduce the petroleum subsidy. Someone circulated an email suggesting that instead of filling up your tank everytime you go to a gas station, you should fill up only a bit. The email creator compared the situation […]

The poor gets poorer. The middle-class now gets to join them.

This has just been reported in the New Straits Times: BREAKING NEWS: Petrol will be RM2.70 a litre at midnight tonight PUTRAJAYA, Wed: The new price of petrol is RM2.70 per litre beginning midnight tonight, it was announced a moment ago by Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Minister Datuk Shahrir Samad. [Read full news] Man… […]

Send me not these, for time allows me not to debate

The World is An Expedition of Words: The video of Dato Sri Syed Albar’s interview with Sarah Montague Someone forwarded an email to me about the link above. After reading it, I am forced to reply. Such a waste of time, actually – considering that I have a lot to do at that moment. Well, […]

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