The Star: Clean-up for Puspakom

Let’s see how clean can feces become.

Pan Malaysian Bus Operators Association president Datuk Ashfar Ali said the move would definitely curb corruption and would have far-reaching effects.

“The operators will know that they don’t have to be at the mercy of Puspakom for small things like the paintwork not being perfect,” he said.

Read full article: Clean-up for Puspakom

I hope all bus operators are like Datuk Ashfar who is against corruption.

All I understand is that they would sure like Puspakom to reduce the checklist. After all they’ve gone through exchanging spare tyres, new engines, seats, etc temporarily for the inspection (and rotate it to other buses to be inspected later), it’s a pity to fail on paintwork, isn’t it.

I remember being on a bus that has just been inspected less than two months before by Puspakom (I checked the Puspakom sticker and the Puspakom branch code). It feels like riding a 30 year old bus that hasn’t seen servicing the last 10 years. How did it pass the test? Either they bribed, or they exchanged parts… and words on the street, they probably did both.

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