They Showed America Change Can Happen. Now Show the World, Please.
Barrack Obama has been elected President of the United States of America. Congratulations to the man, and all his supporters in the USA and around the world. He promised change to the USA and some of the changes, will undoubtedly affect the World.
I have always admired Americans for their tenacity, their will, their imagination, and their dedication to peace and progress. And yet, I admired the rest of the World more for having to put up with bad Americans decisions that affected them. For example, I admired how nations of Asia are able to reduce the effects of the financial crisis because we chose to be less greedy.
But I also despise most American foreign policies and maybe some American behavior, although I have nothing against American citizens — even those whose believes and behaviors have cause great difficulties around the world.
Clinton once brought some hope because he tried to befriend the World and you can see his legacy today, especially better relations with China and incidentally with the rest of Asia. But he did opened up the financial market and look where we are today. George Bush, just like his father before him, killed the hope — getting involved in two wars at the same time and allowing the financial crisis to worsen. But it was the Americans who chose him twice, whether they regret it today or not.
Now there’s a new hope for America. But not only Americans are hoping for a better future when they chose Barrack Obama. The rest of the World are hoping too, and in silence we can only pray for the American wisdom to prevail. Events from America ripples throughout the World and yet we cannot vote, cannot choose as Americans can. Some of American policies will remain the same but hopefully with a President that can identify with the rest of the World, maybe some things will be better.
The Americans have made their choice. A choice I believe is shared by many of us who has no right to vote in America but are as deeply affected by American policies. Let us hope and pray now that all of us, Americans and non-Americans alike, have made the right choice, or the right prayer.
well, let’s hope that he is not like one of the bozos from the past…