Get More Than 100 GB Storage for Any Android Device

The maximum you can put on your smartphone is probably 64GB of data. You can always use cloud services such as DropBox, Box, SkyDrive, and Picasa to store your stuff. However, accessing them can be a pain when you have to start up different apps for each of them.

Enters the SanDisk Memory Zone app. It’s a free download on the Play Store. From a single app, you have access to your internal memory and SD card memory, DropBox, Box, SkyDrive, Picasa, Google Docs, SygarSync, and even Facebook.

You can select one of your picture, video, or document in your device and move it online. Or, you can select one of your files online and move it to your device. You can also create a scheduled backup based on file types where you can back it up to the SD card, or to one of the online services. Cool, eh?


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