Dexpot 1.5 – Virtual desktops just got better!

I wrote quite some time ago on Dexpot 1.4. It was such a useful utility. At about the same time, I was also on Ubuntu and I was loving the cube desktop. I tried various software and the most workable cube desktop for Windows at the time was DeskSpace by Otaku. But DeskSpace 5.4 was buggy back then and just plain destroyed my PC. Don’t know about the newer versions, though. I don’t dare.

Dexpot 1.4, on the other hand, was a very stable and well-built software. It was the best virtual desktop software I’ve ever used. Now Dexpot 1.5 is available and the features are just impressive! Not only we get the virtual desktops like in Dexpot 1.4, but also 3D cube desktop and Expose-like feature too.

And best of all, it’s free for personal use! Here, go and read about the features and download it.


On my notebook (Lenovo 3000 Y410, Windows 7 32bit), the 3D cube and Windows 7 taskbar thingy has a bug that you can’t turn it on using the Dexpot plug-in settings. The workaround is very simple. Browse to the folder Dexpot plug-ins are installed (typically, C:\Program Files\Dexpot\plugins). Then, double-click Dexcube.exe and SevenDex.exe.

When you open Dexpot plugin settings, you’ll see them now selected. Just don’t disturb that. You can click Configure for Dexcube though. Just don’t remove the check marks.

When you close and relaunch Dexpot, even after a reboot, the plug-ins remain selected and will be loaded by Dexpot anyway.

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