The Journal Begins
Finally, I bothered. Never bothered before.
I’ve been on the web for quite some time. Sometimes I consider myself a seasoned web user… only sometimes, though. There are times, such as that moment when I thought about having a web journal, when I feel so new to the web. I’ve had web sites before. Always failed for one reason: I don’t know what content to put. Tried several content themes and failed.
I heard about blogging but I used to think it’s ridiculous to have a public journal. Who is going to read it? Well, I still think it’s ridiculous anyway. Yet here I have a domain name and a hosting account with only a “This site is under construction” sign on the first page for years. So, I decided to start blogging. It might be fun.
I can give you a million reasons why I started this journal. In the end, it doesn’t matter. What matters is that if you like it, you read it.
Deep in the mind and universe, there is a reason. But the reason does not matter.
Hi! I was surfing and found your blog post… nice! I love your blog. 🙂 Cheers! Sandra. R.