Triplets Nephews Coming Into This World Today!

My younger sister is giving birth to triplets today! She’s scheduled to be in the operating theatre (for Caesarean) at 1.3opm today. I can’t be there because of such short notice but my wife’s there – so quick!

The babies will be coming early because the equipments (ventilators for the incubators) are available today – were not availaible before and no guarantee for future either. So, that’s how it is with Putrajaya Hospital, and other government hospitals. Do it while the equipment is there – not because it’s the best time to deliver. She’ll be quite a few weeks early and the foetuses won’t even be 36 weeks old yet!

So, here’s to praying that my sister, and the coming triplets, will all be healthy and safe… Amen.

I’ll post more later. Maybe baby pictures too :). Cool. Getting three nephews in one go!  Now my two daughters will their first set of cousins from my side…

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Just received news at 5.10pm. AlhamduliLlah… My sister is alright and so are the triplets! Yay!
Wanted to go to the hospital since 4.30pm but it’s raining heavily now. Motorcyclist’s fate.

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